Red Bull Mountain Mayhem, 23-24 June 2001

Click on any image to see it in its full glory.

This was to be our base for the weekend. Take note of what it looks like now. You'll see this again later.

Team Fenomenon: Danny, Joe, Myra, Chris and Shane

All the competitors listening intently to the introduction, including a piece from Gary Fisher himself. We are not worthy.

Myra (far right) lines up with Joe's bike ready for the handoff.

They're under starter's orders...

...and they're off! Just seconds later, Joe gets trampled underfoot...

...but soldiering on for the other 800m of the running start, he grabs his bike and goes.

Danny's ready for his lap, looking particularly fetching in the World's Most Tasteless Jersey (TM).

Myra relaxes in the shade whilst Danny looks slightly confused, some time on a weary Sunday morning. Someone, somewhere, is out there riding.

This is what a campsite looks like after a 24 hour bike race. Not much time left for tidying up, clearly.

Chris Jones, 3 July 2001